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what the #@%& !!!

July 5th, 2009 at 12:23 am

So, for five days we are looking after my mum and DF's dad's dogs. A maltese and another Jack Russell. They bark occasionally - which is annoying, yes, I understand that.

We picked them up yesterday and when we go out we put them on the verandah because we're worried they'll escape.

Today we went to the markets. When we got home, there was water dripping from the roof of our verandah, water all over our outdoor table and chairs, water all over the floor and the dogs blankets.

It had come from the direction of our neighbours, the dogs had obviously been barking and the neighbour had sprayed them with a hose.

We might be over reacting, but I just think that is plain RUDE.

They (the dogs) have not even been here 24 hours. Jed does not bark so I know it has not been a long-coming thing. They have NEVER talked to us before (the neighbours), and they did not bother to come and say anything about it, they just decided to spray our property, our dogs, our house, our possessions, with water.

I don't know what to do. DF and I got home and went on the balcony and DF's reaction was to say very loudly, 'WTF?!'.

We then a few minutes later saw their car leave.

So I am inclined to write a note, to ask them to come and discuss any issues with us they may have, but I don't like confrontation so I don't even want to do that.

DF wants to wait and talk to them face to face. He is calm in confrontations but I don't know what the others are like - we own this property - I don't want to have to deal with dickhead neighbours for the next 5-10 years.

In the meantime, DF's response is to play Rammstein very loudly in the shed. Big Grin

The sad thing is that we both thought they were cool neighbours til now. I feel cheated and disappointed. The guy is an older man, he has planted lots of native trees on our hillside when the camphorlorals were cut down and poisoned (a pest tree). We hear him playing the banjo sometimes. CORRECTION: i just found out this neighbour is not the one that planted the trees, but is the one that plays the banjo. lol.

ARGH! I'm just so annoyed! Why the *%$# do people have to be so pigheaded!!! It's an animal for gods sake, and they've not been there for more than a day!!!

6 Responses to “what the #@%& !!!”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I would tread carefully here. That was a shitty thing for them to do- I agree. They could have damaged your property, and they trespassed. I think they were pretty impatient to not be able to tolerate barking dogs for a few hours during the day.

    HOWEVER- these are your neighbors and you don't want to be feuding with them because it will last years and years. And it will get worse the longer you fight.

    I would do a reverse psychology type thing and leave them a note apologizing if the dogs behavior offended them and explain that you are dog sitting for a few days and they will only have to tolerate it for xx more days.

  2. cassandra Says:

    Are you sure it was because the dogs were barking? You said you haven't spoken to them about it yet, so how do you know?

    Before you jump to conclusions, think about what other reasons there could have been. Maybe they were babysitting and the child started playing with the hose and sprayed your property. Maybe the dogs were barking, maybe the dogs were fighting, etc. I'm not saying they are in the right for spraying your property (and I know that the other possibilities I came up with are far-fetched...) but try to confront them about the water with an open mind. It will go a lot easier that way.

    I do agree that them spraying your property and not offering you an explanation was very rude. Hopefully the situation will be resolved peacefully.

  3. smiley2009 Says:

    I would talk to them face to face (without a shouting match) and clearly let them know that you care about any concerns that they may have. This will allow them to express themeslves first before you guys give your reaction. Like you said you guys own this property communication is the key in any situation. This situation should be addressed I mean next time they may break into your house or something etc... I would definetly talk it out and deal with these neighbors from a distance after this occurence I wouldn't invite them over for a couple tea or anything just keep things civil.

  4. fern Says:

    Clearly, spraying the dogs with the hose was not the right thing to do. However, in fairness, I can say from personal experience that incessantly barking dogs would drive anyone crazy, even if just for the day. If the weather's nice and you want to be outside, you can't enjoy your own home.

    I have neighbors who leave their dogs tied up or just on their own outside to bark all day, which i think is selfish and insensitive to others. It can really drive you crazy.

    Years ago, my boyfriend and i lived at his house and when we went out somewhere, we'd put the cat out on the screened porch, thinking he'd enjoy the fresh air out there. What we didn't know is that the cat would meow constantly. The neighbors left a note informing us of that, and we quickly took the cat in from the porch when we weren't there. So if a meowing cat was enough to bother someone, a barking dog would be much worse.

    Please understand that your neighbors should be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of their homes. I'm not condoning using a water spray, though, and i think having a talk with them will probably help a lot.

  5. lizajane Says:

    If you haven't met them yet, it might be a good time to stop by and just talk and apologize if the dogs drove them crazy. That gives them a chance to apologize for hosing down everything in sight. Whether they do or not will tell you a bit about them - if they're interested in being friendly neighbors (and you might be laughing about this in years to come, how you met) or if they are just PITAs. We lived next to an angry old man for years. I did my best, and even waved to him one time on my walks while he was mowing the yard 10 feet away. He looked right thru me, which I found extremely rude. So be it. I lived in fear that my dogs would get loose and wander onto his yard, and be shot or poisoned, which was not a big stretch of the imagination. So glad we've moved on.

    Even if it is just a few days, maybe come up with an indoor solution for the dogs. You don't want this to turn into a way to meet ALL the neighbors, and the dogs might bark more than you realize.

  6. whitestripe Says:

    i forgot to say that we were only gone for an hour too - not a whole day.

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