Home > I Think I'm At A Crossroads... (???)

I Think I'm At A Crossroads... (???)

July 3rd, 2009 at 09:07 am

I've avoided blogging about this for a really long time. I'm not sure why; it's been swirling around in my head, like water around a drain, for MONTHS and I am sure that just getting it out there and getting some unbiased feedback would do me the world of good. But on the other hand, I KNOW the reason I haven't put it down in writing, it's like I have two voices in my head telling me different things. The first one is saying 'you're just unsure, so there's no point fussing about it, mull it over a bit more' and then the second voice is saying 'I know why you REALLY haven't written anything about, because you're afraid once you do it will mean you'll have to DO something about it.'


So what have I been avoiding? Oh, just my whole life. *insert dramatic arm flap here*

Ok, to be serious now. I have two, no, THREE possible futures mapped out ahead of me. I'm just finding it difficult to pick one out of two of the better options, so I'm sticking with the middle option, which is ultimately the easy option, which leads me in the very distinct direction of: no-wheres-ville. (read: doing what I'm doing now - no change, ever.)

There is a possibility of me maybe gaining a qualification as a pastry chef. It will take me 18 months to complete a fast tracked apprenticeship, or less, if my boss will sign me off. There are a couple of problems, however:
- I will go from $20 an hour to some god-awful amount, like $8 an hour or something. I don't actually know how much because it's all rather hazy.
- I will probably have to work 38 hours a week instead of 22. And for less money than I currently earn.
- I will probably still have to do the books at my parents business, otherwise we won't be able to live comfortably, so that means going back to working 55 hours a week again. (Did that two years ago - Blah).
- I don't know if this is something I want to do, other than at the workplace I'm in. I don't see myself seeking out employment somewhere else as a pastry chef.
- I'm not 100% sure if I can do it yet. It's just a possibilty.

The good parts are:
- I will have a qualification.
- I will be able to earn a couple bucks more an hour than I currently am.
- Even though the pay is low, I will get holiday and sick pay - atleast for the 18 month term of the apprenticeship.
- I could win some awards.
- It's an occupation I could fall back on later on.

My second option is to start studying via an online course, a Bachelor in Commerce. Why online? Because the whole idea of going to University doesn't excite me in the slightest. But don't get me wrong, I like the idea of studying and doing a university course - just not on campus.
There is a uni in Australia (about 5 hours drive from me) that does 75% of it's programs online. Only 25% of students attend the university on-campus. About 30% are overseas, the rest scattered throughout Australia. You get everything sent to you on CD, DVD, books and workbooks in parcels, via email and tutorials by podcasts. It is an *actual* university course/degree/everything - for those that were wondering.

I haven't really looked into it but I know I can get the fees deferred by HECS HELP (government program - like a student loan but not really).

Doing an online course means I can still work and I can choose when to study and when to 'attend lectures'.

It also means I have to be super vigilant about motivation and getting work done.

I'm worried though, that I've been out of school, out of study-mode, for so long, that it will be impossible to get back into the zone. I finished high school in '04.

I know my interests lay more with finance than working for someone else in a kitchen. I enjoy cooking and I enjoy finance, but I would rather cook for fun than work. I would rather earn more money being an accountant/financial analyst/advisor etc than being a pastry chef.

But then I'm worried I'll go to all this trouble and then not be able to get a job.

Or worse, go to all this trouble and FAIL MISERABLY.


I guess it all comes down to when I want to take the leap, and which leap I want to take. I think I'm a little scared of failure; I'd much rather sit and do nothing than attempt something and fail.

DF supports me in whatever I choose to do, but he has this belief that I'm super dooper smart and that I would be 'an awesome accountant'. He even talks of being a SAHD while I work (like monkeymama! - I even told him about your blog and he loved it)

I don't know.

Anyway. So thats what I have avoided blogging about for a very long time. That's what's been on my mind. It kind of feels good to get it all out there.

8 Responses to “I Think I'm At A Crossroads... (???)”

  1. HELPmeFriend Says:

    Don't go off and be a chef unless you really want to! Don't think that what you could be making is better than $20 an hour. Go to school, but don't think that since it is online that you can do it when you want. The deadlines are still there, but there isn't a teacher standing in front of you reminding you to get your work done. Don't let anything get in the way of your dreams! But don't make dreams up because you are bored with life as it is.

  2. smiley2009 Says:

    Wow Whitestripe I go to school online and it is a lot tougher than attending traditional schooling. I have to check in at least 3 times a week and the assignments are intensive sometimes. I wish I would of went to a traditional school online schooling is hard work and the grading is tougher as well. It saves on gas etc.. but its hard work. I would really think this one out and being as though you just moved into your home I wouldn't really go from $20 an hour to $8 because I would fear that once the apprenticeship is over is your job going to guarantee your same pay or higher. Goodluck girl your smart I'm sure you will make the best decision for you.

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    you are doing well with what you are doing, but as fast as you have been progressing I think you will want to keep up that momentum. learns more, earn more, do more. So eventually staying in this current path will bore you and force you to pursue something else.

    I would "try" one or the other path. Take 1 online course and see how you like it. I think you will adapt to the workload easily and it will be personally rewarding for you. But if it is a pain then dont take anymore classes.

    "Try" the chef thing. Try it for 1 month. If it is not for you then go back to the old job.

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Don't ever think that you are too old for university. The older students tend to be way more motivated, more knowledgeable at the start, more interested, and more disciplined. For those reasons they tend to do better, learn more and more thoroughly, and enjoy their studies more. Older students are great....On the other hand, online classes can be tough. In some areas the drop out rate for any given online class is higher than 50%, so it is not for the wishy-washy or dependent type. Quality in online classes here varies a lot. Sometimes, they are very bland, dull, and just exercises in repeating onto a test what you have just read. Sometimes they are challenging with lots of quality online discussion and problem solving. Sometimes instructors are slow to respond, sometimes timely. Check into the program thoroughly including talking to students and graduates.

  5. ceejay74 Says:

    I agree about online classes; NT is a very dedicated student and gets great grades, except for this online class he enrolled in this past January. He still has only done one paper for it and has trouble prioritizing it. If you're gonna do classes, I'd do in-person stuff. Could you start with one class and see if you like it, without committing to a full semester? NT works full time and takes night classes; it's tiring but he enjoys it. (Oh, and he's 36 years old.)

    I also agree about not taking a huge pay cut right when you bought your house. AS did that right after we bought our condo and we struggled to make ends meet (probably ended up getting us deeper in debt, though we needed no real help doing that!) Granted you're much more responsible than AS and I were back in the day (and we were 24 and 29!), so maybe you could figure out how to absorb the pay cut.

  6. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    mmm.. I think you are smart enough and eloquent enough to excel in college...

    Your age and experience are a huge plus... you're not a 18 yr old who'll skip classes because you partied too hard the night before.... you have 5 years of maturity, a home and a fiance to your name.... these will help you remain focussed on your career post-college....

    And you've already being doing the books for your parents' business - relevant experience...

    My vote is for the college degree ! :-)

    p.s. I don't really know you - just going on my impression of you...

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:


    If your main hesitation about going back to school is worrying about how long you've been out ... well, I'm heading back (one week!) and I've been out essentially since 1997.

    I think the suggestion of taking one course and seeing how it goes may be a good one. Take the course, see how committed you are able to make yourself, if the format works for you. Then decide from there.

  8. whitestripe Says:

    hi all, thanks for your comments, sorry i took so long replying:

    smiley: once the apprenticeship is over i will still have a job, i will just earn a few dollars more an hour (so, around $24 an hour).

    gamecock: what i am doing now is what i will be doing in my apprenticeship, so technically i have already tried it for 3 years Big Grin
    joan: the university i will be doing the online courses through is well known for its distance/online courses. more students attend online classes than the actual campus.

    thanks everyone again.

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