Home > June Goals Recap

June Goals Recap

July 1st, 2009 at 11:53 am

- Begin to keep track of my savings towards offsetting my day off every three weeks (I am beginning the $20 challenge! sort of...)

ooops! kind of forgot about that goal! i will begin it this week, seeing as my first day off is tomorrow...

- Keep my personal spending below my alloted amount.

yesss! I managed to do that, about $80 less for the whole month. I am proud!

- Send any extra remaining to my car loan.

That was the plan - but I can't figure out how to do it. I am going to have to call the bank...

- Keep a watchful eye on DF's spending and let him know when he's close to the limit.

He did well last month, only going over by $7.50 per week. Some may see this as a lot, but I don't.

- finding a present for a friends 28th, and attending her party at the end of the month.

Done! Bought her some body lotion, soaps, body wash, foot soakers and a magic flannel. Total cost including wrapping, just over $30.

- Making a baby hamper for SIL's baby shower

Done! Bought her lots of little knicknacks. Total cost, just over $30.

- Finding a teapot, hopefully at an op shop, before the 22nd (having some people over for tea - and I don't have a teapot!)

Unfortunately I didn't do this. I decided it was silly to buy a teapot just for one occasion - I don't want to rush buying it as I want to get one I like...

- Buying a front door mat.


- Continue with our compost plans.


- Revisit the jewellery store for first stage consulting and designing on my engagement ring (try to make DF come as well!)

Done! Picking it up hopefully on or before 14th August.

- Clean out and turn off second fridge (from party - I don't want to get used to having a second fridge again!)

Done! Actually - it tripped out the whole house, so I HAD to clean it out lol. Won't be using that fridge again!!!

- 4 x sessions 40 min+ exercise per week.

Hmmm - didn't really accomplish this. It has been a bit of a lax month in that respect.

- DOwnsizing meal portions, 2/3 then to 1/2 size of current.

Have succeeded in downsizing to about 3/4 lol - I just love food too much!

1 Responses to “June Goals Recap”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Great job!

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