Home > meet Jed

meet Jed

June 21st, 2009 at 07:24 am

Finally getting some pictures up!

DF has spent the whole day setting up a fence so that Jed doesn't run away when we are at work tomorrow. As I said in my last entry, I will be working at home on Tuesday and Wednesday so I can spend time with him and let him get used to his new surroundings. I have been trying to clean up the house for some guests that are visiting for a cup of tea tomorrow afternoon, and trying to reassure Jed that he isn't alone (he has been crying and whining a lot today - poor thing has been by himself mostly for the past few weeks).
He has some annoying dog behaviours - peeing on everything, jumping up at you, licking your face and CHEWING! So we're going to train those out of him pretty quick smart. He responds to the 'satan voice' which is good (how do we know? well, Jed peed on one of DF's cars - you can imagine the reaction!). He also comes when called, which is good, and does not run off. We have let him roam around while DF's been working downstairs, and he stays in our yard. Good boy!

So, I hope you like the pictures! He's a gorgeous little boofer!

12 Responses to “meet Jed”

  1. scfr Says:

    What a doll!

    Some unsolicited advice from the voice of experience: Decide which of the behaviors you can live with and which you can't (bearing in mind that he may be around your future children some day when things like jumping up and chewing would be more serious), do your research, and quickly nip any problems in the bud. Dogs do best if they learn what your expectations are as soon as they come in to their new environment. Much easier to correct a problem now than down the road when it has become an ingrained habit.

    Good luck - He is a real cutie pie!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    he is very pretty. I like the colors. He sounds like a fun project!

  3. M E 2 Says:

    The "peeing" thing is why I/we will NEVER have a male dog. We had one, years ago, who would spend hours outside and the minute you let him in, he'd lift his leg and pee. @@

    Have NEVER had a female dog do that, ever.

  4. go.Xtina Says:

    He is soooo cute! I used to have a dog about a few years ago, it was a baby female and her name was Strawberry. I was very dedicated of taking care of her but my family wouldn't want to keep it. Long story cut short, my brother brought the dog home without my parents permission and he gave up on taking care of her. My house was not good enought for the baby dog to live in because my family was not in the same page on raising her and... Living in my house, you might go crazy. I had to let her go... I was probably the only one who cares about her the most.

  5. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Lovely dog !

  6. cassandra Says:

    How cute!

    Boyfriend's family has a jack russell too. He didn't lick everyone until boyfriend's older brother trained him to. Now, he won't stop licking people! Whenever he gets in a "licking mood" we pass him off to the older brother-he trained him to do that, he can deal with it! LOL.

    Have fun with your new dog!

  7. NJDebbie Says:

    He's so cute! I'm sure you will enjoy him.

  8. fern Says:

    Good boy!

  9. Ima saver Says:

    He is a cutie!

  10. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Cute dog! Good luck with the training!

  11. dmontngrey Says:

    Aw, Jed! That's a cute name for him! He is adorable. He must have had a rough time the past few weeks and I hope he adjusts quickly. Sounds like he has a wonderful home!

  12. Nika Says:

    He is so cute!

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