Home > last time i will be excited about debt for a while!

last time i will be excited about debt for a while!

March 3rd, 2009 at 09:30 pm

This morning I logged onto our *new* accounts and the loan balance has hit. (It wasn't there yesterday or the day before). So I guess I have a very limited time to actually be excited about being in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
Tell me honestly, what sane person is excited to have a balance on her account saying - $304 000.00????
I am an odd person, I will admit.

I forgot to mention, when DF picked up the keys the real estate gave us a bag (an environmentally friendly bag!) with some Brie cheese, crackers, chocolates, champagne, key rings, magnets, a one month newspaper subscription and a card that every staff member had signed. Isn't that nice?

Also when DF finally got to the house after picking up the keys, the previous owner was there, mowing the lawn for us and patching up some of the boundary. I am just astounded at how nice everyone has been. Of course, I'm not naive. I realise we have just given him $320k. But he technically didn't have to do anything. I guess it does sort of have something to do with the area as well. It's a town, as I've said. The main area we live in is full of suburbs, there are only a couple of proper towns around here, and you can really feel the difference. Suburbs, people are just wrapped up in themselves. They have their little 500m2 blocks and that's their world. The towns have a little more of a community spirit.

Anyway I will stop blabbing now. Smile

4 Responses to “last time i will be excited about debt for a while!”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I totally agree about the town/suburb feel. good luck knocking down that $304k.

  2. JJ Says:

    Wahoo! Smile Congrats again on the house. Watch that number grow smaller each month!! =)

  3. monkeymama Says:

    I LOVED our first $208k mortgage balance. It was far cheaper than renting the same unit on a monthly basis. But over time you will get sick of it, regardless. For now, enjoy enjoying it. Big Grin

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Congratulations on your new debt balance! Big Grin

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