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we get the keys today!!!

March 1st, 2009 at 07:02 pm

Today is the day we finally get the keys to our house. Settlement is at 11.30am, so by midday or 1pm DF should have collected the keys. He is doing a pre-inspection at 10am - thank god everything worked out with his work and he was able to take today and tomorrow off. He is going to start ripping up the carpet and vinyl and the masonite that's underneath. We have a bit of a job ahead of us as most of the floor is lined with masonite and we have to de-nail it (if you don't get the nails all out it will wreck the sander). I am going to go straight from work to help.

The owners of our rental house came over yesterday to measure up some things. They are pretty nice people. They've told us not to worry about cleaning the carpets, as they will rip them up anyway (!!!). So that's a saving of about $130. If they hadn't of said that we would still have to clean them as most real estates, and this one in particular, are bastards when it comes to anything like that.

Also they said whenever we would like to move out is fine with them. So I think we tentatively said March 23rd or 24th. Which gives us 3 weeks from today, and is three and a half weeks earlier than our lease expiry. (So that's a saving of around $1470).

I have changed my bank details over at work, so my pay this week should go into our new offset account!!!

We have pretty much packed everything up now. We still have a bit of crap lying around. I think the next few weeks will be difficult. It is in our best interests to sleep at our rental house, but we will probably move everything as soon as we can to the new place. Card Games it is for the next few weeks!

I have decided to do a detox plan once we move into our new place. I read it out to DF and he said 'so basically, it's not a detox plan, it's how you SHOULD eat anyway'. But then I asked if he would do it with me and he said 'maybe'. *sigh*
This is it:

Text is and Link is

It does not seem too restrictive so it probably won't do any harm to my health, which seems to be the main worry with some detox plans.

Hmmm. Anyway I think that is all of the news for today. Thanks for reading!

13 Responses to “we get the keys today!!!”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    What a stupendous feeling to feel keys to a house that BELONGS to YOU! Wait until you have your first sunny breakfast together in the house...

  2. smiley2009 Says:

    Congrats Whitestripe's!!! That is such Gr8 news!!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Awesome! We're going to need pics of those keys you know, so we can share the experience. Smile

  4. Apprentice Fun-Frugalist Says:

    Congrats !! :-) Wishing you both every happiness in your new home !

  5. FrugalFish Says:

    Congratulations! That's a wonderful day when you get the keys to a home of your own!

  6. NJDebbie Says:

    Awesome news! Congratulations.

  7. Counting Pennies Says:

    Congratulations! I'm so jealous! :P I can't wait until I'm able to get my very own place!!!

  8. Lady T Says:

    Woo-hoo!! Congrats!!

  9. whitestripe Says:

    thanks everyone! :-)

  10. gamecock43 Says:

    wow that went fast!! Everything is going so smoothly...just tedious crap now!

  11. momsents Says:

    Yay! Post your moved-in pictures when you get settled!

  12. Analise Says:

    That is great news! I am so happy for you both... I will be watching for your "before and after" pictures.

  13. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Congrats! I can't wait to see pictures of your new home!

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