Home > February Goals

February Goals

February 3rd, 2009 at 05:22 am

[] pack items that won't be used in the next two months
[] survive having my brothers family visiting me (oh yes, i'm serious!)
[] stick to my 'allowance' each week of February (as a practice to the real thing starting in March)
[] sort out accounts with new bank (savings, offset, everyday, EF etc)
[] decide on a starting amount for EF and a plan of action to build it up
[] get my car serviced
[] cook three new dishes
[] ride exercise bike 3 times per week
[] swim atleast once per week
[] read a book
[] begin to organise new budget
[] make an appointment with doctor to go over blood test results
[] clean my car!
[] lose 1 kg.
[] try to incorporate a healthier eating plan into our day ( i will write a separate entry about this!)

1 Responses to “February Goals”

  1. Little L Says:

    Good luck! Looks like you have a well thought out plan.

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