Home > milk and sugar!!!

milk and sugar!!!

February 2nd, 2009 at 08:13 am

I am overly ecstatic about an event that occurred yesterday:

DF went to a friends' childs birthday party yesterday (I declined the invitation - i wanted to start packing). I asked him to pick up some milk and sugar on the way home, as we were running low.

When he arrived home, he came in with his purchases:


Ok, you are thinking. What's the big deal? It's what you asked for!

Let me explain a truthful example of ALL previous shopping expeditions where DF has been allowed to roam free:

shopping list:
an onion, tinned tomato, dishwashing liquid

actual purchases:
1kg of onions, tinned tomato, dishwashing liquid, potting mix (what the?), 2 blocks of cadbury chocolate, 2 litres of icecream, pack of cheezels, pack of potato crisps, some fancy deli cheese, two boxes of cereal, milk, icecream topping, hazelnut spread...

Anyway, you get the idea.

So NOW you must understand how unbelievably excited I am! I actually JUMPED up and down like a bunny rabbit on cocaine and hugged and kissed him.

But really, it IS exciting. ALL the other things he's been doing lately, like talking to his friends about his allowance (yes really!), about budgets, trying to remember his personal spending each day, trying to remember the costs of different items he buys, and the total of dockets too, keeping his reciepts, saying no to movies, not even LOOKING at the V Festival lineup (oh my god!)...
anyway, all the things he's been doing lately just make me feel very reassured that we're in this together and he's 100% on board with all our savings goals and plans.

OH! and he has been researching ruby rings too. The cost, designs, metals, jewellers etc. Big Grin

7 Responses to “milk and sugar!!!”

  1. homebody Says:

    I get it. My DH was like your DF for many years. Sigh... You are lucky you got him to change while so young. Now go get him some ice cream!

  2. Koppur Says:

    LOL It's good to know they can be trained. I'm still working on mine. Smile

  3. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I can totally relate. I asked DH to get laundry soap and he came home with about20 items! Including a $20 ham!!!

  4. scfr Says:

    LOL - My DH is exactly the same. When we decided to crack down on the food & bev spending, the first thing we did was make store trips off-limits to DH. He has now learned, and he too recently made a trip to the store where he came back with only what was on the list ... NO SUSHI!YIPEE!

  5. snoopycool Says:

    My dad was always that way. DH is pretty good about a list, though.

  6. whitestripe Says:

    lol homebody! (about the icecream) unfortunately that would warrant a trip to the shops. i'm not an angel either with sticking to the list, but atleast i don't do it on his scale!

    north georgia: a $20 ham?!

  7. LuxLiving Says:

    I had to look up what a cheezel was.

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