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no surprises there... (a rant)

February 19th, 2009 at 10:29 am

well, some of you may know the story of our ex-flatmate, who is DF's sister (let's call her A)
She used to be with DF's best friend, L, but broke up with him after two years because she no longer loved him. She moved to live with us, and started a fashion course - which she quite after six months (it was a year long course). A year after the breakup, and six months of living with us, she decided she liked another of DF's friends, D.
L obviously wasn't happy and it caused quite a rift in the circle of friends. L proceeded to send abusive text messages to both D and A, and this put my DF in a hot spot. He defended his sister obviously, which lead to DF not really wanting L as his closest friend anymore.
A and D made plans to live on D's block of land in a shed that they are currently building, when our lease ran out (january).
After about three or four months (?) of being together, A & D announced they were having a baby. This was while A was still living with us. She would visit D every weekend. The baby would have been due in March this year - two months after the shed was supposed to have been built.
They had a miscarriage after six weeks.
A was upset when the doctor told her to wait for three months before trying again.
On christmas day they announced they were 12 weeks along again (so I think I worked out that they only waited two months at the most). The shed still isn't built, so they rented a place in the town where D lives, about a month and a half ago.
DF's mum called him the other day to talk. She mentioned to DF that A didn't seem happy when she talked to her last, on the phone. She said they (A & D) seemed to be having some kind of tiff in the background. Something about they yelled at each other 'not liking your attitude' and 'yeah well i don't like YOUR attitude'.
I have been careful to step around this issue, after all it is DF's sister. But DF and I had a bit of a chat about it and we are both on the same page, technically. I said to DF that I just think they went WAY to quick on EVERYTHING. I mean, I KNOW that lots of people still work out like this, six months together, a baby, moving in (AFTER getting pregnant...?). Anyway, all that is not my point really. It is SOME of the point, but mostly it is just to do with A. She just doesn't seem to think about anything other than what SHE wants to do.

But anyway, the whole point of this little rant was to say that it doesn't surprise me that they have begun having tiffs already, after living together for a month and a bit. They've spent some time living together, but it has been with his parents. A doesn't exactly clean a lot, and I think D, having lived with his parents for a while, might take a bit of getting used to doing things for himself. He is also working full time, while A doesn't work (you know, being pregnant and all...) A also doesn't think anything of laying in front of the tv all day - even if there's a sink full of dishes and the hosue is filthy, AND it's her turn to do all of those.

Yes, it's true, I did get the shits with her a bit when we lived with each other. I never let on though, as she's 25 and apparently an adult. I also knew it was only a temporary arrangement (a year) so there was no use stepping on peoples toes about stuff that they should already have learned how to do properly.

But anyway, I think this whole experience is going to be very interesting for them. DF has already said he almost 'can't wait' until D comes to him and says something about A (who is DF's sister). DF said he will be like 'yeah well, that's A... that's my sister for you'. DF also said it wouldn't surprise him (and me) if A called the wedding off at some stage during the next year or two and said 'that's it!'. It really would not be that much of a surprise. It might sound harsh. But it's the way she is. You can't tell her no, you can't even tell her 'i told you so' because she will get angry at you. you can't reason with her because she will say she knows everything about what she is doing. she doesn't learn from her mistakes either. she doesn't learn about jumping in too fast. you just have to sit back and go 'oh, here we go...'

3 Responses to “no surprises there... (a rant)”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow, serious crazy drama. Makes me feel better about my dull and quiet life. Hehe.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Drama drama drama...I am so glad that I got out of living the drama life. All you can do is watch from afar. My DH family is full of drama and I have FINALLY gotten him to realize he can't/shouldn't be involved in it.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    uHHH, sounds as if your DF should not introduce his sister to any more of his friends!!!

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