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and i thought my job was safe!

December 14th, 2008 at 07:02 pm

Through all this uncertainty over job futures and the economy and housing problems, I have been relaxed about it to a point because my jobs were guaranteed.
You see both of my jobs' businesses have not been decreasing in sales or productivity. Job # 1 has been as busy as ever, and we are steadily being booked up for next year. And Job # 2, while we have some slow days, in all it has not decreased sales but rather, has increased slightly or at least plateaued.

That was, however, until Job # 2 had changes which were out of our hands. You see the bakery is located near a small supermarket. Its an independant sueprmarket, not like Coles or Woolworths or Bilo. And recently a 2.5 million dollar revamp took place, where the store was moved 100 metres up from where it was. We have noticed since it opened (last tuesday) that the days have been slower and we have had a decrease in sales.

So now I am stressing just like everyone else!

1 Responses to “and i thought my job was safe!”

  1. beautissamiss Says:

    That makes me a little nerovous too. I have been really confident since I work in adult health care and thought that it was so in demand that I couldn't possibly lose me job. I'm not so sure now. I have noticed a lot of people are just moving elderly family members in with them instead of going out to a nursing home. I'm a teensy bit worried.

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