Home > biopsy :(

biopsy :(

July 7th, 2010 at 01:27 am

So I had what I thought to be my last doctors appointment for a year or so - turns out it isn't!

I have to get a needle biopsy done in the next two weeks. (see my previous entry about my frustration to do with doctors) Granted, it is 'to just be safe'.

This doctor (whom I have been seeing for the past two years) got the name of my previous doctor, but didn't tell me why. I am assuming she's going to give him a serve for not getting the test done three years ago, she seemed slightly alarmed and concerned that he didn't issue it.

Even though it involves a test which is no doubt going to be painful, it only strengthens my resolve to keep seeing this current doctor. I feel some sort of relief that I've found one that actually cares about her patients.

In other news, I'm finally going to see Sex & The City 2 with a friend this afternoon. I got a speical deal on tickets, $10 each, through a loyalty program. Funnily enough, the friend I am going with constantly makes fun of me for having a wallet full of loyalty cards. Look who's laughing NOW! Big Grin I should charge her a 'laughing tax' or something...

9 Responses to “biopsy :(”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    "Laughing tax" - good one!

    Good luck on the biopsy. Hope it is quick and painless.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Crossing my fingers for an uneventful biopsy!

    So, how was the movie?

  3. whitestripe Says:

    oh MM, it was fabulous! Smile

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Good luck! It sounded like she thought time had proved it harmless, so this is probably just a precaution. My annual is next week, and I've got two lumps that I need checked out, so keep your fingers crossed for me too. I've had some harmless ones in that breast once before, so I'm hoping it's the same thing.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Hope the biopsy turns out well. Glad you liked SATC2. Smile

  6. scottish girl Says:

    Good luck on the biospy. Glad you enjoyed SATC2 Smile

  7. The Nest Says:

    I wish you good luck on the biospy. Just relax ! you are going to be fine.

  8. Jerry Says:

    I'm so glad that you have found a compassionate doc, that leads to a huge difference for any patient. You are fortunate to have national health coverage, because in the States you can be limited by your insurance company as to what doctors you may see! I hope it all goes well and smoothly... best wishes.

  9. whitestripe Says:

    thanks guys. jerry, it's very true, i feel very fortunate to have a health system like ours.

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