Home > Net Worth January 2010

Net Worth January 2010

January 5th, 2010 at 03:03 am

Mortgage: $297 265.26
CC Balance: $1447.73
Personal Loan: $2145.56

Total Owing: $300858.55

House (current median market value) $325k
Savings: $5000.00
Superannuation 1: $17 000.00
Superannuation 2: $9000.00
Car 1: $5000
Car 2: $4000
Car 3: $4000
Artwork: $5000
Tools: $4500.00
Other: $10 000.00

Total Assets: $388 500.00

(I only include the assets that I know would sell, and at the lowest price we could get for them at short notice.)

Total Net Worth: $87 641.45

Up $12 624.45 since the beginning of September, 2009. Woo!

1 Responses to “Net Worth January 2010”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Great job ! :-)

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